Chandragupta Maurya History in Hindi

उपलबधय History Of Chandragupta Maurya in Hindi नज जवन और वरसत Biography Of Chandragupta Maurya in Hindi You may also like. In the game chandragupta maurya is the son of a king.

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Chandragupta Maurya परचन भरत म मरय समरजय क ससथपक थ.

. अकसर लग क ज जत वह सकदर वल कहवत कहत हए सन जत ह लकन इतहस म दख त पत चलत ह क वशव. चदरगपत मरय Chandragupta maurya-चदरगपत मरय भरत क परथम महनतम समरट थ उसन पहल बर वखडत भरत क एककत कय तथ लगभग समपरण. Chandragupta Maurya History in Hindi.

He was born into a royal family that ruled the country and was the youngest of the five brothers. चदरगपत न अतम नद शसक धननद क समन कय. Under the influence of his mentor Chanakya he built the Mauryan.

All of the other brothers. Chandragupta Maurya was the great Emperor who built the largest Empire ever on the Indian subcontinent. और चणकय क मदद स 322.

Chandragupta Maurya was a ruler of Iron Age South Asia who expanded a geographically-extensive kingdom based in Magadha and founded the Maurya dynasty. Download Full Size Image. History of Chandragupta Maurya in Hindi.

शसन वयवसथ Chandragupta Maurya History in Hindi और रजय क सपरण वयवसथ क वयवसथत करन क लए चदरगपत मरय क समय गपतचर थ. समरट चनदरगपत मरय क जवन परचय इतहस Chandragupta Maurya Biography History. Chandragupta Maurya चनदर गपत न अपन सन क नपल क पहड म छप दय और जह पर सकनदर न पर क त हर दय लकन ननद समरजय क.

चनदरगपत न एक रजकलम नम क खल म अपन. He was born on 340 BC and ascended the throne in 321 BC after his father Bindusara died. मरय जब 50 सल क ह गए थ तब उनक झकव जन धरम क तरफ चल गय थ उनक गर भ जन.

Published on 04 February 2019. Chandragupta Maurya is considered as the first emperor of India. नमसकर दसत आज हम बत करन वल ह परचन भरत म मरय वश क सथपन करन वल परमख रज क बर म ज.

ચદરગપત મરય ન સમયમ ગજરત ગજરત અન સરષટર પર વજય મળવય હત. A relief of Indian emperor Chandragupta Maurya and the sage Bhadrabahu. Chandragupta Maurya story in Hindi.

जन धरम क ओर झकव व मरतय chandragupta maurya history in hindi. The rise and eventual rule of Chandragupta Maurya under the guidance of Chanakya is one of the most significant moments in the history of India.

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